UX Case Study

Read time: 8 minutes



From concept to delivery, including UX Research, UX Design, UI Design, Usability Testing

Project timeline

8 weeks – April & May 2024

Tools used

Illustrator, Photoshop, Miro, Figma, WordPress



Tapandesai.com is a blogging & newsletter website that publishes pieces about history, philosophy, and thinking frameworks for better decision making.
They recently approached me with the following problems, due to which they wanted to redesign their website:



We want to increase subscriber count.


We find 1000+ organic visitors to our website every month, but these don’t convert to subscribers.


Users have complained about the reading experience on on website.


Many articles have thousands of impressions, but hardly any clicks.


We find some old users unsubscribing to the newsletter.

Proposed Solution

  • Analyse traffic trends on the website.
  • Conduct a UX audit to find improvement opportunities.
  • Redesign the website to increase conversions and improve reading experience.

Problem Discovery

To create a seamless and trustworthy user experience that enhances reading engagement and drives higher conversion rates on the website.

Business Type - B2C


Insights from research

Credibility & Retension
What users look for
Clear communication of benefits

Need to establish writer’s credibility

Visual Design
Better reading experience

Clear headers and navigation

Clean layout & visually appealing

Newsletter insights + UI
From research

Engaging headlines

Email subjects to be between 40-60 characters

Accessibility considerations
Better user experience

To be able to listen to the article

UX audit
Following are screenshots from the old website –
Turning pain points into action


Line length to be shortened to 45-80 characters.


Better visual hierarchy & clear CTA.


Blog cover images need to be clear & legible.


Add play audio feature.


Remove ads as they take focus from the content.


Text heavy pages like Books page, need to be organized better.

Content Strategy

Though out of scope, I provided the client with actionable recommendation on content based on research –

  • Increase focus on the benefits that subscribers can expect
  • Make headlines more engaging for articles
  • Email subjects to be 40-60 characters long
  • About Me section on website should aim to establish writer’s credibility
  • Add promise to never sell info


Conversion rate

Read time

Main goals for website

To create a seamless & trustworthy experience with high conversions & to improve reading experience.


Key screens
Home page
Key flows

1. Home page –> Subscribe
2. Article –> Subscribe

Hi fidelity designs

Feel free to use the interactive prototype here.


Key learnings

Even though I am a subscriber to this newsletter, I had to consciously remember throughout the project that I am not the user for this case study. I couldn’t let me biases influence the project, and made sure design decisions were based on research.

The client also insisted on using Gutenberg for development, so I had to work within the constraints of the editor and did not have the same flexibility as my other projects. There were times when I had to change elements of design to best fit the constraints of Gutenberg and ensure a seamless user experience. 


After user testing, I found that article reading time was improved by 20%.
A clean cohesive look on the website improved trust score by 50%.
The writer also adapted some content strategy recommendations from my research.

Further scope

I plan to track conversions, and organic visitors to measure effectiveness of the design.
I also plan to work on a memorable design style for the article cover images, that would make the brand stronger.